Ah! It has been so long since I put any of my thoughts on paper, or any idea here. A writer's bloc, perhaps! But that got me thinking, days and nights, and i could not stop my self from finally picking up a pen and a paper. And then typing it up!
Once again,
after what feels like ages,
I am searching for a rhythm,
a rhyme
in my words.
Afraid of being labelled,
a ‘post-modernist’,
I wonder if my words
are worth the risk.
I remember, you raised an eyebrow,
with a curious smile,
that day,
and asked why I had not
written for a while.
I looked away.
Today, what do I say?
That I am not so sure,
That my words fail
to make sense to my own father?
Then why would the World,
my friend,
not mock me, flick me away?
Whatever can I accomplish
And, now
as my pen quivers,
flows and leaves a puddle
of ink at a point,
I know why I write.
Semi-conscious dreams
all these nights..
Let them see, and call me a fool.
My mind twitches, bursts with hope.
The words spill, and the ink seeps in, dries.
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